Hey Tracy don't worry honey... this is typical life of all of us aritsts and it's been happening through centuries!Sometimes I don't have the desire to touch a paintbrush. Other times it seems I needed to paint just as much oxygen to breath. And about...
Hey Tracy don't worry honey... this is typical life of all of us aritsts and it's been happening through centuries!Sometimes I don't have the desire to touch a paintbrush. Other times it seems I needed to paint just as much oxygen to breath. And about rejection, so what? We can't please everyone all of the time. Look at poor Van Gogh how much rejection he had through his life, look at Picasso Mademoiselles D'Avignon who were so despise in his life time to become a masterpiece later on. Look at poor Rousseau who never got a proper exhibition in a gallery and now he is all over the museums do you want a list?Don't despair honey, you are a natural, if you don't feel like painting now don't paint as long as you don't turn like that Japanese artist who made 15 years of psychological invisible paintings hahaha No! It will come it just need some pause. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!PS I like this painting by the way, I love the yummy pink
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| show fullshow summaryHey Tracy don't worry honey... this is typical life of all of us aritsts and it's been happening through centuries!Sometimes I don't have the desire to touch a paintbrush. Other times it seems I needed to paint just as much oxygen to breath. And about...
Hey Tracy don't worry honey... this is typical life of all of us aritsts and it's been happening through centuries!Sometimes I don't have the desire to touch a paintbrush. Other times it seems I needed to paint just as much oxygen to breath. And about rejection, so what? We can't please everyone all of the time. Look at poor Van Gogh how much rejection he had through his life, look at Picasso Mademoiselles D'Avignon who were so despise in his life time to become a masterpiece later on. Look at poor Rousseau who never got a proper exhibition in a gallery and now he is all over the museums do you want a list?Don't despair honey, you are a natural, if you don't feel like painting now don't paint as long as you don't turn like that Japanese artist who made 15 years of psychological invisible paintings hahaha No! It will come it just need some pause. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!PS I like this painting by the way, I love the yummy pink
Posted by Tinky (guest) on 2012 09 18 05:41